
Saturday, October 26, 2013

SCCY CPX-2 test drive @Pannell's Firearms and dimension wise comparisonw/ GLOCK 19

I went to the SCCY range Experience today over at Pannell's Firearms and Range
 to test drive the SCCY CPX-2.  SCCY supplied the gun, ammo and range time. 
I'm no expert but these are my impressions of the piece.
I love my Gen 3 GLOCK 19 but I enjoyed shooting with the SCCY CPX-2.  
It is about 1" smaller all around and a little lighter than my GLOCK (by 5.99oz) making it a less bulky pistol for conceal carry. It feels like my Glock, only slimmer, and lighter.
I noticed a long trigger pull and a bit more recoil but nothing I couldn't handle.  
Overall I liked the way it fit in my hand, the grooves for the fingers in the grip makes it very comfy. 
My trusty GLOCK is still my choice for home defense, but the SCCY CPX-2 is definitely one of my top choices for conceal carry, plus it is considerably affordable at around 279 vs 500 for a Glock.

Here are the measurements of the CPX-2 in case you were wondering and the measurements for the GLOCK 9x19mm for comparison.

Comes with two 10 rnd mags.
Barrel Length: 3.1"
Height: 4"
Length: 5.7"
Width: 1"
Weight: 15oz

Comes with two 15 rnd mags.
Barrel Length: 4.02"
Height: 5"
Length: 6.85"
Width: 1.18"
Weight: 20.99oz

Visit Pannell's Firearms Web Page 
Or their Facebook Page 

Friday, October 25, 2013

Oct 24th On-Ramp Bootcamp WOD

Warm up

400m Run
10 pass Throughs
10 back extensions
10 squats


400m Run .25
10 Squats
20 box jumps
10 sit ups
Personal time 15:30

25 floor bridges

Oct 23rd On-Ramp Bootcamp WOD

Wednesday Oct 23rd WOD

Warm up
400m Run
10 Air squats
10 leg levers ( lay on you back and lifts both legs up)

1 minute Max sit-ups 1 min rest
Rnd 1: 28
Rnd 2: 28
Rnd 3: 29

12 min AMRAP
5 renegade row ( 8 lbs dumbells) * hold the dumbells in your hands, do a push up, from the up position  row the weight (lift your arm up and back like if you were going to jab someone behind you). You end up doing 10 push ups this way.

2 farmers carry (25 lbs plates) to the end of the room and back twice.

Ended up doing 7 rounds.

Oct 22nd On-Ramp Bootcamp WOD "Fight Gone Bad"

Tuesday October 22nd WOD

I turned 38 years old today! Great workout on my birthday :-)

Warm up
400m run ( 2 rnds 200m run .17)
10 sit-up
10 air squat
10 flash push-up

"Fight Gone Bad"
3 rounds: 1 min each
Rnd 1: 20
Rnd 2: 20
Rnd 3: 20

Sumo deadlift high pulls
Rnd 1: 20
Rnd 2: 20
Rnd 3: 20

Box jumps
Rnd 1: 20
Rnd 2: 24
Rnd 3: 40

Body weight row
Rnd 1: 45
Rnd 2: 29

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Oct 21st On-Ramp Crossfit WOD

Monday oct 21st

Warm up
400m run (I lost track of time and did .45 mi instead)

3 rounds
10 sit ups
10 squats
10 leg lifts ( lay flat on back, lift both legs together at 90 degree angle)

3 sets max effort push ups
30 secs on 1 min off
( I did 12, 11, 11)


10 rounds

30 secs Walking lunges
30 secs Ski jumps

Finish with 1 lap around building (1/4 mi)

Oct 18 On-Ramp Crossfit WOD

Friday October 18 #On-Ramp #Crossfit #WOD

Warm up

400m Run

10 Sit Ups 
10 Squats
10 Push Ups 


3 Rounds
1 min max effort sit ups 
1 min rest
(my personal score 25, 26, 26)

Bootcamp WOD
12 min AMRAP
1 Jingle Jangle
1 hate maker ( coach changed it to squats instead. did 75 squats)

Oct 17 On-Ramp Crossfit WOD

Thursday Oct 17

First day back at the gym since surgery on Oct 2nd. So excited to be back. 

Warm up
2 rounds

200m Run
10 Back Extensions
5 Inch worms

100 Boxjumps (Rx2 step ups)
EMOM 2 Burpees
(my tipersonal time 5:31, did box jumps on a step up with two risers on each end)

Cash out
50 sit ups

Oct 7 #Crossfit On-Ramp WOD

Mon. Oct 7
Again I was not at the gym on Mon Oct 7, but thanks to my friend Trish who sent me the workout!


12 min AMRAP
200m Run (.17)
 20 Front Squats 10/5 
20 Back Extensions 10/5

*200=20 reps
* 1 Round= 60 reps


Trish: 3 rnds
400m run
100m walking lunges
30 body wt squats
30 back ext

End w/ 400m Run

Oct. 4 #Crossfit #On-Ramp WOD

I was not there for the workout on October 4th, my elbow needs at least a week to heal.
My workout classmate Trish sent the WOD to me.
Here it is.

Friday night team WOD

1st person 200m Run
2nd person AMRAP 
                   5 Burpees 
                    10 knee ups 
15 min cut off

200m Run= 20 pts
1 Round 
AMRAP= 10 pts

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Fair Trade Certified ™ @Green Mountain Coffee ® Three Continent Blend #GMCFairTrade #GotItFree -Review

Fair Trade Certified ™ @Green Mountain Coffee ®  Three Continent Blend #GMCFairTrade #GotItFree

I'm a Cuban who as many other Cubans grew up drinking coffee.  I drink it all day and was very excited when I was selected to participate in the BzzAgent campaign for Fair Trade Certified ™ Green Mountain Coffee®.  I received the Three Continent Blend to try out.

This coffee is Fair Trade Certified ™ which, in a nutshell means the coffee farmers are getting a fair price for their coffee beans. Visit to buy some yummy Fair Trade K-Cup® packs  and learn more about the impact Fair Trade Certified has on the small coffee farmers' communities that carefully and skillfully cultivate and process the best quality beans.

Three Continent Blend is a Medium roast coffee that combines the flavors  of South America, Africa, and Asia into an Extra Bold Blend. At first I thought it would be too strong and bitter for my taste, but boy was I wrong. This coffee has Sumatran beans as the base with faint sweet fruity flavors and floral aroma, making it strong and flavorful but incredibly smooth.If you like a middle of the line coffee not too light not way too strong or bitter then this is the coffee for you. It falls right in the middle of the spectrum in my opinion.
I'm used to drinking Green Mountain Coffee Wild Mountain Blueberry which is way lighter and fruitier blend but I can see myself drinking Three Continent Blend on days where I need that extra Perk!

    I wish you could smell the aroma emanating from this coffee while its brewing. Oh Delicious!

    Till next time,

    Have a happy healthy crunchy day!

    Disclaimer: As a BzzAgent I participated in a campaign for BzzAgent ( on behalf of Green Mountain Coffee. I received product samples to facilitate my review.
    I did not receive any monetary compensation and all opinions expressed in this review are my own.
    This post may contain affiliate/referral links

    Kelapo Extra Virgin Cold Pressed Unrefined Coconut Oil- Review

    I use coconut oil for everything. It is a very versatile oil. Yummy to cook with and also great for the skin when applied topically.
    You can imagine the excitement when I got news that I had won a jar of  Kelapo Coconut Oil over at Growing Up Naturally In Home Childcare's Blog

    This Kelapo cold pressed unrefined extra virgin coconut oil. So far I have used it to sautee veggies and chicken, fry up plantains and eggs. I put some in a little jar with a couple of drops of tea tree and lavender oil to use on the kid's skin since coconut oil is cloth diaper safe.

    Other notable points: Kelapo oil is  Fair Trade Certified and Certified Organic
    To find out more visit Kelapos' Facebook page or their Website .

    Please note all opinions written here are my own. I did not receive monetary compensation. I simply wanted to let you all know about this yummy oil.

    Till next time,
    Have a happy healthy crunchy green day.

    Friday, October 4, 2013

    October 3rd #Crossfit #WOD #EVA

    Thursday October 3rd Crossfit WOD " EVA"

    Thanks to my friend and crossfit buddy Trish for letting me know what the workout was on Thursday.
    I had elbow surgery this Wednesday and have not been able to go workout yet. I'm having Crossfit withdrawals.

    WOD  1/2 "EVA"
    5 Rounds
    400 m Run
    15 Kettle bell swings
    15 Ring pulls

    October 1st #Crossfit #WOD #TABATA

    October 1st Crossfit WOD " TABATA "

    Warm Up

    2 Rounds Not for time

    200m Run
    10 Pass Throughs
    10 Reverse Pass Throughs
    10 Overhead Squats
    10 Romanian Deadlifts

    TABATA= 20 sec work /10 sec rest
    8 rounds of each.

    Flash Pushups
    Sit ups

     *My personal score

    Flash Push ups 76 reps
    Sit ups 68 reps
    Squats 79 reps
    Pull ups 76 reps

    Sept 30 #Crossfit #WOD

    Monday September 30th Crossfit WOD

    Warm Up

    2 rounds

    200m Run
    10 Ring Rows
    10 Back Ext
    10 Pass throughs


    8 rounds

    200m Run
    15 Kettle Bell Swings

    *My personal time was 16:29

    #Whole30 - Weekly Recipes ideas week #18

    Week #18 of #Whole30 Meal ideas.

    I sautéed a yellow squash and a zucchini with coconut oil and then added some of my homemade meat sauce on top. Seasoned with salt and pepper.#Whole30.

    The hubby made me breakfast today. Green pepper and bacon omelette with bacon on the side. Seasoned with salt and pepper.

    Cooked a very ripe plantain in coconut oil. Served with an egg scramble. I sautéed a chopped tomato and a tablespoon of roasted bell pepper & chipotle spread before adding the eggs into it.

    Green plantain cooked w coconut oil and chicken.

    Two eggs with a medium tomato and a spoonful of roasted bell pepper & chipotle Mezzetta sandwich spread. Salt and pepper.

    Hardy vegetable and chicken soup that my father graciously made for me. It had carrots, radishes, yuca, Spanish sweet potato ( the one with the purplish flesh and white insides), calabaza squash, semi ripe plantains, green peppers, red peppers, cumin, garlic, onions and I squeezed half a lime in it. Delicious!

    Till next time,
    Have a happy healthy crunchy green day!