
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Biokleen: Bac-Out

I have heard really good things within the cloth diapering community about Biokleen Bac-Out Stain and odor eliminator, so I think its time for me to give it a try.
I found it on sale at 32 oz bottle for 7.19.
If anyone finds it cheaper let me know!
I know nothing beats sunning the diapers, but right now with the pollen count in the unbelievable outrageous ungodly levels, I cringe at the idea of putting the diapers out on the porch to get their healthy dose of UV.

Have a happy crunchy green healthy day! 

Monday, March 19, 2012

Fresh Peppermint infusion- soothing the tummy.

Today has not been a good day. Between feeling exhausted and battling a sinus headache, my tummy has not been up to par either. Then it hits me as I walk back from checking the mailbox... I have tons of peppermint  plants happily propagating out on the front yard. So I  pinched off a couple of sprigs and crushed them a bit to release some of the juice, dropped them in my fave mug and flopped the whole thing under my Keurig for some instant really hot water. Let it sit for 5 mins or so and Voila! a nice hot soothing minty infusion to calm an upset tummy.  I think I'll make some more and put it in the fridge ...hmmm a glass of icey cool minty tea for later on yum!

Have a happy crunchy green healthy day!

High pollen - ACHOO!!

I was wondering why I'm feeling so crappy today. So tired, no energy whatsoever and with a headache. Then the hubby calls me and lets me know NOT to go OUTSIDE! The pollen count is outrageous today. Aha! that's why I feel like I do today!.

According to  the allergy alert forecast is a very high 10.8 today with a forecast of an extremely high of 11.4 for Thursday! Oak, Juniper and Birch are the prime assailants today. If you click on the link above and plug in your zipcode so that you can get a report for your area.

Have a happy crunchy green healthy day!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Bitty Baby Bum Wash Bits and WysiWipe

I want to talk about Bitty Baby Bum Wash Bits  and WysiWipe multi-purpose wipes. I'm trying both out for the first time today.
Bitty Baby Bum Wash Bits.
 I dropped 2 bits in a 1/2 cup of hot water.
 They dissolved pretty quickly. At this point I was enjoying the wonderful scent of "Monkey Farts". The bits come in a variety of scents.
 Once dissolved I added 1 1/2 cups of cold water.
Wipe solution ready to go. I poured half in my To Go spray bottle which I put in my diaper bag. Great to clean up toddler messes on the go. Then filled my foaming bottle with the other half. It's a hot day today here in Georgia, so I used the solution in the foaming pump to wash and refresh my face and neck. I just love that scent.
WysiWipe reusable wipes.

Rhonda, the owner of Sweet Lil Dimples Baby Shop graciously sent me this pack of wipes. They come 12 to a pack and are tiny. All you have to do is add water or wipe solution or whatever suits your fancy to accomplish whatever you need it to. From cleaning to washing your face to washing baby's bottom.
I squirt some of the of the wipe solution on it and it immediately started to grow.
 Once it got soft I unrolled it. It is a generous 11 X 8 unstretched

 This last pic is of another of the wipes in the package. I opened it up and unrolled it without wetting it, Just so you can see the size when its dry.

I used the wet reusable wipe with the solution on the foaming pump to wash my face, it held up well, and it did not tare. I used another damp one to do a quick wipe up of the livingroom hardwood floor before letting baby loose on it :-)

You can read up more info on both the Wash Bits and the Wysi Wipes over at Sweet lil Dimples Baby shop

Have a happy crunchy green healthy day :-)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Hummus Recipe

This is how I make my hummus. I'm sure there are other ways of making it if you google it.

2 cups chick peas aka garbanzo beans (i buy them canned and simply rinse them)
1 teaspoon of minced garlic (If you want to use fresh garlic cloves you would peel and crush 2 garlic cloves.)
2 tablespoons lemon juice
2 tablespoons of tahini, which is ground sesame seeds (you can leave this out if you are not a fan of tahini, I have made it with and without tahini)
add about 4 tablespoons of water and put it in the blender/food processor..
At this point i add squirts of garlic and rosemary infused extra virgin olive oil till it reaches a consistency that I like. I also sometimes squirt a bit lemon juice in there while its in the blender. Its a matter of taste.
It will taste much better once its had a chance to sit in the fridge :-)

Have a happy crunchy green healthy day! :-)

Friday, March 2, 2012

Homemade laundry detergent- Part 2

Here's part 2 of my homemade detergent adventure :-)

I got around today to mix the ingredients for this homemade detergent recipe. Bought my supplies at Walmart:
Borax 76 oz (4 lb 12 oz)- $3.38
Washing soda 55 oz (3 lbs 7 oz)-$3.24
 Oxygen cleaner 30 oz (1.87 lb)-$1.96
Plastic Jar-$2.97
Measured 4 cups of each and shook it all in the plastic jar. The Oxygen cleaner bucket came with a scoop that measures 2 Tablespoons exactly which is super convenient.

To test it I took a bunch of clean but old and dingy while towels and tshirts and threw them in the wash with a scoop ( 2 Tablespoons) of the homemade mix. I added the mix to the warm water first before I threw the clothes in there. The water was clear but as soon as it started to agitate it turned grey YUCK!!. I could not believe this stuff could pull off so much dirt/body oils/detergent buildup out of supposedly clean laundry. I will be doing an extra rinse. Makes me wanna go through the drawers and get all the whites out and re-wash!
This detergent will not foam up, there will not be any bubbles in there, but it doesn't mean is not working.

Have a happy crunchy green healthy day! :-)

Beechnut new rewards program

I came across a rewards form today that I have used in the past and I thought I would pass it along to other parents with young children (or even those of you who just like dessert baby food heee heee).
It is a rewards program from Beechnut, send in your upc's and select which coupons you want.

One thing i noticed when I went to their web site, there is now a 2 1/2 stage. I thought that was nice they added a stage for kids that are ready to leave stage 2 but not ready for stage 3 just yet.

So check it out, save your beechnut proof of purchase upc's and send them in to get coupons. I know it takes a little bit of work but I did it and it ended saving me some moolah!

Have a happy crunchy green healthy day!